di entri ini aku rewrote reflection yang aku dah buat masa zaman study dulu. masa foundation years. i think back in 2006 kot. omg... 10 years agoooooo... aiyooooooo.... xD
"reflection" ni kitorang kena tulis on weekly basis untuk subjek Language Development. setiap minggu kena berbeza tajuk/topik. so.. camne aku leh came up with this crap niiihhhhh.... hahahahahaha
aku copy sebijik2 seperti mana yg aku dah tulih and print dan hantor kat lecturer. so, i actually had a good laugh bila baca balek reflection ni.... sebelom aku slowly senyap then stressed out macam nak terjun lombong... gaaahhhhh.... 30 oooiiii!! LOL
saje nak share. bacalah kalo sudik! ^^
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sekadar hiasan xD |
Reflection – My Before-30 Plan.
People always ask me, “don't you have a girlfriend?” or “will you own a house in the next five years?” I often smile at the questioners, and answer them that ‘time will tell’. Yup, all those speculations and unwanted questions are in my before-30 plan. It means I have to achieve all my hopes and dreams before I turn 30, so that I will not be a 30 year-old bachelor with low monthly salary of a common job, no savings with no car or motorcycle to ride on. Hey, what do you expect from a teacher-to-be like me?
In my plan of dreams (yeah right), I want to find a girl to be my wife during the final year. Not that I will marry her in that very year, or the year after, but I feel it is much safer to have a girlfriend (future wife, I would say) during that time, rather than after 30. Come on, we have to do some scouting before sticking to one, right? And the process will take time. Why not now? Nobody likes me so far. Hehe.
After the graduation, I will be sent to a school to start my career as a teacher. In a way I have to worry about my ehem2 *coughs* which may be living far from me; but mind that later - by hook or crook I need to adjust the matter anyhow - situation-dependent. Now, salary. I hope our starting income will be more than what today’s new teachers are receiving. With at least RM 1800 for starting, I won’t have to save money for a long time to pay PTPTN. If I can save up to RM 500 per month, I just need 3-4 months to pay them back. Then I can focus on buying a house, car and wedding. Yet of course I will continue giving money to my parents. I won’t forget about that.
Wise man said a man needs a minimum of three keys before marrying a lady – key of knowledge, house key, and car key. Well by that time I am already a bachelor's degree holder, which is the knowledge key. But instead of holding a degree forever, I plan to get a scroll of Masters during my early years of teaching. Economically, Proton Savvy or Perodua Myvy is quite a good car for two. They're considerably and reasonably priced, and consume little less petrol than other cars. What? At least better than Kancil of course. No worry, I won’t be satisfied as long as Honda Jazz exists in this world. Then I have to save more money for a house, and to ask for my lady's hand from her parents. Generally, marriage (wedding, maybe?) blows much money, and that is why I plan to start saving money as early as possible.
Phew, so much to do, so do not know where to start. But I always remind myself, that we can plan things, yet God makes the decisions. Thus, praying hard is one of the ways to please Allah to grant me whatever I want, and to make my dreams come true. Long live A'anism! (okay that was random).
see!? see??!! aku ambitious kooooootttt! xD
final year nak carik gadis, nak bertunang... puuiiii!! final year aku aritu sebok berjimba dan berpraktikum kot! celahnye mencarik gadis? haha. gadis carik aku?? lagi jaoh laaaaaaaaaaa.... bhahaha xD . berangan tak hengat. siap nak risaukan si dia dok jaoh daripada aku kot! ekeke. klakor2
masa aku menulis reflection ni, aku single. hahaha. masa tu memang tak terpikir sangat. cuma berangan2 camtu je la. tak berapa matang lagi tuuu... pikir pon tak berapa jaoh. ekeke. maklum laahh... orang takde experience berpacaran dan berkejatuhan dalam kechentaan~ ^^
oh. PTPTN. aa, memang pengajian aku ditaja oleh KPM, BPG semua. alhamdulillah. tapi satu benda yg korang perlu tau kat sini - aku berhutang dgn PTPTN sebanyak RM1500 tau! camne lak tu??
hiks. acaranye camni....
sebelom aku dapat tawaran maktab, blajo TESL ni, aku dapat banyak gak ofer daripada institut pengajian laen. biasa la, lepas SPM kan - semua orang nak soh amik kos kat tempat dia. sekali tu aku dapat interbiu utk program Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah... tup tap tup tap, aku lulus interbiuu tu. then sampai la surat offer daripada UITM! katanya;
"TAHNIAH! anda berjaya memikat hati penemuduga kami dengan English anda yg lintang pukang, serta lukisan bangunan anda yang huduh. walaupun anda tak hensem, kami nak jugak tawarkan program Diploma Perancangan Bandar dan Wilayah kat anda. terima tak terima, belakang kira. bersama surat ni kami sediakan duit raya RM1500 (terima kasih PTPTN) buat anda beli baju baru dan kasut yang cantik untuk dipakai semasa belajar di sini nanti. mudah2an anda bertemu jodoh. "
hahaha. so itulah puncanya aku hutang PTPTN sbyk 1500! aku cash-kan cek tu, then aku pon beli la barang2 untuk masuk blajo kat UiTM. dapat surat tu seminggu sebelom tarikh daftar. aku dah kompiden nak amik course tu weh, sebab tu aku selamber je belanja duit starter kit yang dibagi.
sekali... Tuhan punya perancangan... hambik kau An. lagi 3 hari tinggal utk daftar kat UiTM Sri Iskandar, Perak, ... abang posmen datang depan rumah, bagi satu lagi surat - yg memang aku tak expect langsung.
itu lah! ini lah! surat tawaran melanjutkan pelajaran dalam Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan Pengajaran Bahasa Inggeris untuk budak2 kecik dan comel! (well masa tu dia tak tulis la TEYL.. dia ckp TESL... siap program berkembar dgn universiti luar negara... memang aku buntang mata la weh~~ hahaha) *UPDATE.. aku quote Hanisah ye... "KAMI DITIPU!!" hahahaha xD
gedebak gedebik gedebuk... aku ended up amik program kat maktab tu.... itu jugaklah yang menjadikan aku - aku sekarang ni. alhamdulillah. perancangan Tuhan tu sangat adil dan terperinci. ^^
jaoh lak aku melalut. hahaha. so, itulah kisahnye camne aku leh berhutang dengan PTPTN . jelas skrg? hehe
speaking of gaji. yeah! masa tu... kereta2 tu je la yang wujud dalam istilah mampu milik-nye~ aku memang berkenan kat Honda Jazz. sampai skarang pon aku dok suka Jazz lagi. tapi since Jazz mahal, tak reti2 nak turun harga... mungkin aku terpaksa kambus niat tu kot. lol~
tapi tu la... rasanya perancangan aku still on kot. rasa nak kena ada rumah dulu, then kereta 2-3 belas bijik, baru kawen. ke... korang rasa camne? hahaha
lawak2. sonok rupanya tulis reflection ni. nanti klo ada lagi aku jumpak yg senonoh2, aku share ek? ^^
hepi? terhibur baca? hehehe.... aku pon terhibur gak bila baca ni ritu. ritu tu masa aku baru2 kerja bagai. umo aku pon dalam 25, 26 camtu. umo gedik2 gittewww...
now? now?... now i'm 30.
yep. 30 this year
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