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welcome October |
sebagai seorang yang sangat menyayangi bulan Oktober, aku nak buat one-month celebration. yeap, aku dah buat dah tahon lepas. so ini dah jadi acara tahunan dah. hahaha. kau gilo ke an? yes!! memang aku gila. aku gilakan keceriaan dan kemeriahan! :D
so, apa aku nak buat? haa... event ni specially dedicated untuk anda; Children of October!
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keep calm and welcome october |
mulai 1st Oct 2012 sampai la 31 Oct 2012, aku nak bagi hadiah kat korang2 yang dilahirkan a.k.a sambut birthday dalam bulan Oktober. ^^
please take note: aku tak kaya, aku bukan orang senang. tapi, aku buat camni sebab aku rasa nak menghargai. selalunya, aku bagi hadiah kat kengkawan sempena ulangtahon kelahiran aku. but this time around, nak buat laen sikit. hee... jadi, aku cuma dan cuba buat apa yang termampu lah ye. ^^
ha! camne nak dapat hadiah? senang je.
1. cari aku.
or tak kesah la kalo terserempak kat tepi jalan ke, tengah jalan ke, kat pasar pagi ke... yang penting mesti real-time face-to-face. webcam, skype, YM, video call dan seumpamanya (virtual) tak dikira. hehe.
2. pastikan hari yang korang jumpak aku tu, adalah hari ulangtahon kelahiran korang! baru bleh aku bagi hadiah. contoh; birthday korang 7 Oct. maka terjumpaklah dengan aku 7hb tu - bukan hari/tarikh lain. klo korang terawal or terlepas tarikh...hehe.. sowi~ takde reserve2 ye. ^^
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october is autumn |
3. buktikan haritu birthday korang.
buat la camne pon. paling senang tunjuk IC or lesen memandu je. tapi klo korang ada cara lain pon ok je. nak submit resume pomboleyh... lol! asalkan aku tau dan yakin haritu birthday korang. jangan tipu plak! hahaha
4. dah setel 1-3 tu, maka insyaAllah, ada la hadiah dari aku untuk korang, sempena hari yang berbahagia itu. =)
amacam? cara tak? hahahaha. taon lepas ramai gak la yang dapat... kebetulan aku memang tak ke mana-mana~ memang senang la nak carik aku. =p lol!
- sumpah takde hidden agenda dengan event nih. no, ni bukan kerja Illuminati Freemason bagai. takde orang upah aku pon. ikhlas ni. siyes, aku just nak celebrate dan appreciate October - born kids. tu je. ^^
- event nih terbuka buat semua manusia (diulang.. m.a.n.u.s.i.a) tanpa mengira umur, bangsa, agama, pangkat, darjat, warna kulit, bentuk badan, rupa paras, bahasa pertuturan, kewarganegaraan dan seangkatan dengannya. seandainya korang bukan manusia... em..em... kita takyah jumpak pon takpe kot. ~.~"
- hadiah tak tetap dan tak tentu. bleh berubah ikot keadaan semasa. maksud aku, kalo time tu aku mampu hadiahkan kereta Lamborghini Murcielargo, dapat la Lamborghini tu kat korang. kalo time tu aku mampu belanja teh o ais je, maka teh o ais je lah ye. hihi... korang boleh demand hadiah sebab hari tu birthday korang. just dapat tak dapat tu, aku yang tentukan. lol! haip2, jangan demand lebeyh2. sila bersyukur. hahaha
- insyaAllah, aku akan cuba yang terbaik untuk win-win situation. so takde la korang rasa menyesal terserempak dgn aku haritu~ hee...
baek!! itu sahaja pengumuman untuk hari ni. semoga usaha yang tak seberapa ni dapat keberkatan dan keredhaanNya. ameeenn~ ^^
harap2 kali ni ada OctTweetFest lagi!!! Happy OCTOBER everyone!
English Version
as a person that really loves October, I feel like having a one-month celebration. hahaha. are you crazy, a'an? yes! I am crazy. craze of happenings and happiness!
so what am I gonna do? haa... this event is specially dedicated for you - Children of October!
yeap2. starting tomorrow, Oct 1 2012 until Oct 31 2012, I'll be giving gifts for those who were born, and celebrate their birthday(s) in October.
do take note. I'm not rich. I'm not a silver-spoon-fed child. but I'm doing this because I feel like appreciating. normally I'll be giving presents to my friends for my birthday. but this time, I'm giving it a twist. hee... so, I just do whatever I can, and can afford, k? ^^
so how to get your present? it's easy!
1. find me. doesn't matter if you stumble upon me anywhere, any-when, anyhow. just make sure it's on a real-time face-to-face occasion. virtual meeting is not counted. =p
2. make sure that you meet me on your BIRTHDAY! then only you can claim your present. for example; if your birthday is on Oct 7, so see me on the 7th - not on other date/day. if you're too early or too late... hehe.. sorry... no KIV. ^^
3. prove me that that day is your birthday. show me proof, e.g. driving licence, your ID, etc. but tell me no lie! or else... hahaha
4. once you have fulfilled the previous steps, insyaAllah, you'll get your birthday present. =)
swear there's no such thing as hidden agenda behind this event. seriously, I just wanna celebrate and appreciate October-born kids. that's all. ^^
this event is open for all regardless your age, race, religion, beliefs, skin colour, physical appeal, languages, nationality and the like.
presents are not fixed. changes can/may be applied accordingly. (I don't feel like translating the rest..hihi)
you can/may ask for whatever you want for your birthday. but it's up to me to grant it or not. LOL!
I'll do my best to ensure we can seal a win-win situation. We'll see how it goes. hee...
that's all folk! Godspeed. God bless. amen. ^^
Hey hey
birthday kay bulan oktober yaaa
Menarik tapi
erkk agak sukar jugak program yang kau buat ni
tapi menarik
hahaha. happy october!
i was born on oct 20th.
let's meet jom 20hb nanti?
happy birthday untuk sebulan.
alah,, dah lpas,, ogos ma,, ahha ^^
wow..that's cool..
nk tiru idea bleh?
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